The Flowell Team: Top Reads for April 2023

Flowell Team
April 25, 2023
5 min read

The Flowell Team: 

Top Reads for April 2023

Hey coach! Are you someone who is passionate about running your own business? Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, one thing that you cannot afford to neglect is your own personal development. Reading is one of the most effective ways to expand your knowledge, grow your skills, and stay ahead of the curve in your industry.

At Flowell, we believe in the power of continuous learning and development. We make it a priority to read regularly and learn from the experiences and insights of others. As a team, we've been delving into some fascinating books that we believe can help us become better business owners and leaders.

In this blog post, we'll be sharing some of the books that the Flowell team has been reading and why we think they're so valuable. So, if you're someone who wants to keep growing, learning, and improving as a business owner, keep reading! We think you'll find some great recommendations here.


Building a Story Brand: Clarify Your Message So Your Customers Will Listen
By Donald Miller
Building a Story Brand, business development

“This book outlines the structure of a compelling story, used in movies, plays and business, and breaks down how brand builders can speak more clearly to their audience by following the narrative structure we've all been conditioned to expect and LOVE!  This book has been so helpful in understanding how to better speak to Flowell's audience of new coaches! An easy read that I recommend to anyone in sales, marketing or entrepreneurship!” - Taylor Stull, Founder & CEO of Flowell


Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
Atomic Habits

"Atomic Habits" is an incredibly insightful book written by James Clear that offers practical advice on how to build good habits and break bad ones. Clear explains that making small, incremental changes to our daily routines can have a profound impact on our lives over time.

Through the book, Clear breaks down the science of habit formation, discussing topics such as the role of dopamine in habit formation, the importance of environment in shaping behavior, and the power of identity in driving lasting change. He offers practical tips for making small, sustainable changes that can lead to big results over time.

For health coaches, "Atomic Habits" is a valuable resource for helping clients make lasting lifestyle changes. By understanding the science behind habit formation, health coaches can help clients develop new habits that support their health goals and break old habits that are holding them back.

Simply put, "Atomic Habits" is an inspiring and practical guide that can help anyone improve their habits and transform their lives for the better. Whether you're a health coach or simply looking to make positive changes in your own life, this book is definitely worth checking out!


This Is Your Brain on Food: An Indispensable Guide to the Surprising Foods That Fight Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, and More
This is your brain on food

"I absolutely devoured this book. Not only did I use it for my practice, but for myself. If you have ever spoken to me about books, you know that this is one of my absolute favorites! There is so much information that is truly transformative and instrumental to what we do as practitioners. It's a MUST read!" - Jessica Graiser, Flowell

"This Is Your Brain on Food" provides practical advice on how to make dietary changes that support mental wellbeing. Health coaches can use this information to develop personalized nutrition plans that address their clients' specific needs and goals.

If you are a health coach with any kind of mental health focus, "This Is Your Brain on Food" is an excellent resource for your practice. Deepen your understanding of the connection between nutrition and mental health and learn how to use nutrition as a tool for improving mental wellness.

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