
Welcome to Flowell – a lifestyle blog about fitness & technology.

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Discover how defining your ideal client and the art of niching down can transform your health coaching business from ordinary to extraordinary. Dive into the world of client-centered success now! You'll be so glad you did!
Jessica Graiser
October 12, 2023
5 min read
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Are you ready to drive your health coaching success? Discover the art of crafting compelling content and becoming a thought leader in the health coaching industry. Dive into the strategies that make your programs stand out, educate your clients, and lead them to healthier, happier lives. Don't miss out on this guide to transforming your health coaching business!"
Flowell Team
October 12, 2023
5 min read
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Are you a health coach looking to elevate your business and create a win-win situation for both your clients and your revenue? Discover the transformative power of upselling and cross-selling strategies, and unlock the untapped potential within your existing client base. By leveraging these techniques, you can provide enhanced value to your clients while boosting your business's bottom line. Get ready to take your health coaching business to new heights by exploring the dynamic world of u
Paula Fournier
July 17, 2023
5 min read
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As a health coach, it is crucial to focus not only on attracting new clients but also on optimizing the value you offer to your current clientele. By implementing upselling strategies, you can seize a potent opportunity to provide supplementary products and services, which in turn enhances client satisfaction while generating a consistent income stream.
Paula Fournier
July 17, 2023
5 min read
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We get asked all the time, “Do I have to be online to get clients?”. Well, the short answer is “No.”....but are you ready for the long answer?!
Paula Fournier
June 12, 2023
5 min read
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Social media marketing can be SO intimidating to so many private health and wellness coaches. We will dive super deep into the 7 reasons why you NEED to incorporate social media marketing into your business building strategy!
Jessica Graiser
April 28, 2023
5 min read