Building Client Accountability: Techniques that Maximize a Client's Accountability to Wellness Goals

Jessica Graiser
October 5, 2023
5 min read

Building Client Accountability: Techniques that Maximize a Client's Accountability to Wellness Goals


As an experienced private health coach, you understand the importance of accountability when it comes to helping your clients achieve their health and wellness goals. Accountability is the cornerstone of any successful coaching relationship, as it keeps clients motivated, on track, and ultimately leads to better outcomes. In this article, we'll explore seven techniques that will help health coaches like you maximize your clients' accountability and adherence to their wellness programs. These techniques are vital because they empower clients to take ownership of their health journey, stay committed to their goals, and achieve lasting results.


Establish Clear and Specific Goals

One of the fundamental aspects of building client accountability is setting clear and specific goals. During the initial assessment, work closely with your clients to define what they want to achieve. Avoid vague goals like "lose weight" or "get healthier." Instead, make goals SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.


Here is an example:


Specific: "I want to reduce my body fat percentage."


Measurable: "I will track my body fat percentage using a body composition scale every two weeks."


Achievable: "I will aim to reduce my body fat percentage by 2% over the next three months."

Relevant: "This goal is relevant to my overall health and fitness objectives, as it will lower my risk of chronic diseases and improve my physical performance."


Time-bound: "I will achieve this goal within the next three months."


This SMART goal is specific in targeting body fat percentage, measurable through regular tracking, achievable with a clear and realistic target, relevant to the client's broader health goals, and time-bound with a three-month timeframe. It provides a clear focus for the client and enables both the client and the health coach to track progress effectively throughout the program.


Why It's Vital:

Clear and specific goals provide clients with a concrete target to work towards. When clients have a precise understanding of what they aim to achieve, they are more likely to stay focused, motivated, and accountable. Moreover, measurable goals allow you and your clients to track progress and make necessary adjustments to the wellness program.


Create a Personalized Wellness Plan

No one goes for a cookie-cutter approach anymore.


Tailoring your approach to each client's unique needs and preferences is a powerful technique for building accountability. Develop a personalized wellness plan that aligns with their goals, lifestyle, and any specific challenges they may face. Consider factors like dietary preferences, exercise routines, and time constraints.


How does this drive accountability?


Personal Ownership

When a health coach tailors their approach to a client's specific needs and preferences, it shows that the coach respects and acknowledges the client as an individual. This, in turn, encourages the client to take personal ownership of their wellness journey. They feel that their goals are considered, their input matters, and they are an active participant in the process.


Increased EngagementΒ 

Clients are more likely to engage with a wellness plan that aligns with their preferences and lifestyle. They are more likely to adhere to recommendations when they feel that the plan is designed with their comfort and preferences in mind. This increased engagement leads to greater accountability as clients are more motivated to follow through on the plan.


Sense of ResponsibilityΒ 

Tailoring the approach empowers clients to make choices that suit them best within the framework of their wellness plan. They understand that their coach respects their autonomy and is there to guide and support, rather than dictate. This sense of responsibility for making choices within the plan fosters accountability because clients take ownership of their decisions and actions.


Long-term Commitment

Clients are more likely to commit to a wellness plan that they feel is sustainable and enjoyable. When the approach is personalized, clients are more likely to view it as a long-term commitment rather than a short-term obligation. This long-term perspective enhances accountability because clients are invested in their ongoing well-being.


Open Communication

Personalization often involves open and honest communication between the coach and the client. The coach may ask about the client's preferences, challenges, and past experiences. This communication builds trust and rapport, creating an environment where clients are more likely to share their concerns, seek clarification, and ask for help when neededβ€”key elements of accountability.



A tailored approach allows the coach to adapt the plan as the client's needs and preferences evolve. This adaptability ensures that the wellness plan remains relevant and effective over time, which is essential for maintaining accountability. Clients are more likely to stay accountable when they see that their plan can adjust to their changing circumstances.


Why It's Vital


Personalization demonstrates your commitment to your clients' success. When clients see that their plan is designed with their individuality in mind, they are more likely to feel a sense of ownership over their wellness journey. This personal connection fosters accountability because clients are invested in their custom-tailored plan.


Regular Progress Tracking and Assessment

Frequent progress tracking and assessment sessions are crucial for maintaining accountability. Schedule regular check-ins to review your clients' progress, discuss any obstacles they've encountered, and make necessary adjustments to the plan. These sessions provide an opportunity to celebrate successes and address setbacks.


Why It's Vital


Regular check-ins create a sense of accountability through consistent monitoring. Clients are more likely to stay on track when they know they'll have to report their progress. Additionally, assessments help identify areas that may need modification, ensuring that the wellness plan remains effective.


Encourage Journaling and Self-Reflection

Encourage your clients to keep journals or logs of their daily activities, including food intake, exercise, and emotional states. This practice fosters self-awareness and encourages self-reflection. Clients can track patterns and better understand the impact of their choices on their overall well-being.


Why It's Vital

Journaling promotes accountability by making clients more conscious of their actions and their consequences. When clients regularly review their own data, they gain insights into what works and what doesn't, leading to better decision-making and adherence to the wellness program.


Accountability Partners and Support Systems

This one is MAJOR!!Β  Just like Flowell’s support system for Health Coaches, clients need a community to lean on as well.Β 


Suggest that your clients find an accountability partner or join a support group. Accountability partners can be friends, family members, or fellow clients working toward similar goals. These individuals can provide motivation, share experiences, and hold each other accountable.


Why It's Vital

Having an accountability partner or support system creates a network of encouragement and motivation. Clients are less likely to deviate from their wellness plan when they have others relying on them. This technique also helps clients build a sense of community and shared responsibility.


Set Rewards

Incorporate a rewards system into your coaching program. Clients can set up rewards for achieving milestones. These incentives can provide additional motivation and accountability.


Why It's Vital

Rewards and consequences provide immediate feedback and reinforcement. Clients are more likely to stick to their wellness plan when they have something to look forward to, and they'll think twice before neglecting their responsibilities when consequences are at stake.


Cultivate Intrinsic Motivation

Unfamiliar with this concept?Β 


Intrinsic motivation refers to the internal drive or motivation that comes from within an individual. It is the desire to engage in an activity or pursue a goal for the inherent satisfaction, enjoyment, or personal fulfillment it provides, rather than seeking external rewards or avoiding punishment. Intrinsic motivation arises when a person finds an activity inherently interesting, meaningful, or aligned with their values and personal goals.

Key characteristics of intrinsic motivation include:

  • Autonomy: Intrinsic motivation is often associated with a sense of autonomy or self-determination. Individuals pursue activities or goals because they genuinely want to, not because they are pressured or coerced into doing so.


  • Interest and Enjoyment: Intrinsic motivation is driven by a genuine interest in and enjoyment of the activity or goal. People engage in activities because they find them inherently pleasurable and satisfying.


  • Satisfaction and Mastery: Intrinsic motivation often involves a sense of satisfaction and the desire to master a skill or achieve a sense of competence. The process of engaging in the activity itself is rewarding.


  • Personal Values and Goals: Intrinsic motivation is often aligned with an individual's personal values, beliefs, and long-term goals. People pursue activities or goals that are meaningful to them on a deep, personal level.


While external accountability measures are essential, cultivating intrinsic motivation is equally vital. Help your clients discover their internal reasons for wanting to achieve their health and wellness goals. Encourage them to connect their aspirations to their values, passions, and long-term well-being.


Why It's Vital


Intrinsic motivation is the most sustainable form of accountability. When clients are driven by their own values and desires, they are more likely to stay committed to their wellness journey over the long term. Intrinsic motivation is the driving force behind lasting lifestyle changes.


The Wrap Up


Building client accountability is at the heart of successful health coaching. By implementing these seven techniques, you can maximize your clients' accountability and adherence to their wellness goals. Clear goal-setting, personalization, regular progress tracking, journaling, accountability partners, rewards and consequences, and cultivating intrinsic motivation are all vital components of a holistic approach to coaching. When clients are accountable, they are empowered to take charge of their health and wellness journey, leading to better results and a higher quality of life. As a health coach, your role is not just to provide guidance but also to inspire and support your clients on their path to wellness. Use these techniques to help them stay on track and achieve the lasting changes they desire.

‍Interested in learning more about how Flowell can help you maximize your coaching business? Book a free call with a coach advisor today!

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